UAE Cyclists’ Road safety Regulations

The Abu Dhabi Government Media Office said in a statement that the new rules cover the required conditions for carrying out these operations and are intended to ensure the highest levels of safety and security in both normal and electric bicycle use and rental.

7 Common cycling rules in the UAE you need to know!

Wear a helmet:

Legislation in Dubai mandates the use of helmets,  although this requirement does not apply to the rest of the UAE. As a safety measure, you should wear a helmet.

Main roads and sidewalks:

Since cycling on main roadways is unsafe, cyclists can use designated cycle paths and side roads. Additionally, there will be fines for people who ride motorcycles and bicycles in the wrong lanes, endangering both their own and others’ lives.

Speed limit:

Bicycles are not allowed to be ridden on most of the roads in Dubai with speed limits of 60 km per hour except the Jumeirah Road, which includes a cycling track. A cyclist caught riding on a road with a 60 km per hour speed restriction or higher could be fined up to AED 600.


Similar to car regulations, both the front and rear lights must be in perfect working order to avoid getting fined. This prevents collisions and protects both bicycles and other drivers.

Reflective vests:

Cycling enthusiasts are recommended to wear luminous vests.

No mobile phones:

The use of Mobile phones while riding has been prohibited for cyclists. They must stay away from congested areas and places where bicycles are not allowed.

Parking your bike:

It is advised to lock your bike when parking. Use the designated stands to park your electric scooter or bicycle. Electric scooters and bicycles shouldn’t be fastened to street lights or signposts.

Did you know?

According to The National News UAE, there were 109 cycling crashes in the past two years, which is 4 percent of the total road crashes during the period.