Travel Insurance – Yay Or Nay?

Expats consists of 90% of the UAE market, hence, travel to hometown atleast once a year is given for everyone in UAE. However, very few expats care to buy travel insurance before their travel which is a big mistake on their part.

A comprehensive travel insurance will cover almost all aspects of your trip keeping you stress and tension free. The following items are covered in travel insurance:

  • Medical emergency
  • Flight cancellation/delay
  • Baggage delay
  • Personal accident
  • Loss of travel documents
  • Theft

A travel insurance however, will not cover the following:

  • Claims related to wars
  • Claims related to terrorism
  • Medical conditions that were present prior to travel


Travel insurance policy costs the same in UAE as it does anywhere else in the world. A travel insurance is approximately 110aed per person. However, USA and Canada tend to be slightly pricier. This mere 110aed will cover up to $250,000 emergency medical, $2500 trip curtailment as well as $2500 trip cancellation.

It is also important to note that if you plan to indulge in adventurous and dangerous activities while on the trip, your premium will be slightly higher. It will be higher also in the case of visiting a war-stricken country.

In short, travel insurance is a small price to pay for a hassle free trip and I would highly recommend it to all the drivers.